If your home has a chimney, then it needs a quality cap made of a durable material to protect the rooftop from the damage of hot sparks and filthy soot. In addition to providing chimney cleaning and repair service to interior and exterior structures, our technicians understand how to install chimney caps. A chimney cap from Advanced Chimney Sweeps of Atlanta, GA is designed as a functional device but also provides an attractive element on a home. Our cap installation experts can help choose a design that works nicely with the slope of a roof along with the chimney shaft’s unique structure.
Types of Caps
A chimney cap is made of materials such as masonry, copper or stainless steel to provide a functional but beautiful appearance. Caps are made to help direct air into a chimney’s shaft to encourage a better flame in the fireplace or to prevent moisture from entering that will douse a fire. When a building has multiple fireplaces, a specialized cap is required to remove additional smoke. Our technicians occasionally notice a problem with a chimney’s smokestack, leading to suggesting particular types of caps. Some of the chimney caps or shrouds we install are:
Custom Chimney Caps
At Advanced Chimney Sweeps, we believe in customizing chimney caps to ensure the devices fit properly while also providing ultimate protection for the interior of shafts. Our technicians provide a free estimate after an inspection to determine the best chimney cap needed for your home. We think carefully about how much your fireplace is used along with its proximity to other buildings that affect the smokestack’s function. An additional thing to think about when you are selecting a new cap is choosing one that prevents wildlife from entering a chimney shaft.