Fireplaces are wonderful and can provide much-needed warmth for your family on a chilly summer night. It can also be around an area where you and your family use to socialize after a busy day. As wonderful as a fireplace can be, it can also be the source of some problems as fireplaces can be complicated and difficult to maintain. With that being said, we have made a list of essential tips to use that relate to the use of your fireplace.
The Wood
Choosing the right wood to burn can be more important than you may realize. Here are some tips for choosing the correct wood for your fireplace.
- Make sure to not use wood that is wet or damp. A good tip to make sure that your wood is properly dried is that when you buy wood, store it in a dry place for use the following year. Properly dried wood will burn more evenly in your fireplace.
- Do not use chemicals to start your fire. Only use wood, newspaper or maybe a pinecone. Make sure to refrain from using lighter fluid or gasoline to start your fire as they can let harmful toxins enter the living space of your home.
Check Your Chimney Cap
Your chimney cap is located on top of your chimney and needs to be checked on a regular basis.
- The first thing to check is that your chimney cap is still on your chimney and secured tightly and centered over your chimney. Make sure that there is not enough room for debris or an animal to get in there.
- Next, make sure to clear any branches or debris away from your chimney cap as it is an obvious fire hazard due to your chimney cap getting hot when a fire is lit.
Always Keep A Fire Extinguisher Handy
We hope that you never need to use it, but it is important to make sure that you have a non-expired fire extinguisher near your fireplace in case of an emergency.
Free Chimney Estimate
Contact us today for a free chimney estimate on damages that may have occurred or if you have any questions about keeping your fireplace safe for you and your loved ones at 770.884.6475or REQUEST AN ESTIMATE ONLINE.