When you picture a fireplace in a home, you likely think of a hearth and wood burning within the grate. This traditional type of fireplace invokes a cozy, warm image, but many people are switching to gas fireplaces these days.
This modern fireplace uses a combustion and exhaust system to ignite gas connected to a line in your home and keep it burning in this upgraded version of a hearth. The flames stay contained behind a glass wall, and you have an efficient and low-maintenance way to enjoy a fire in your home.
But you should know more about this type of fireplace and how it can suit your home before you install it. Read on to find three considerations you should note before you commit to upgrading your fireplace to a gas-fueled one.
Easy Installation Process
You might worry about the costs and building processes involved in installing a gas fireplace in your home, especially if you already have an existing wood-burning stove. Fortunately, you can feel confident that upgrading to a gas fireplace will be easy.
You likely already have a gas line connected to your home, so setting it up to this new fireplace will take little time to accomplish. Many gas fireplaces do not require a chimney. They can release fumes and smoke from the fire through a venting system.
But if you already have a chimney from an existing traditional fireplace, a gas fireplace can also use this same flue to release smoke away from your home. Obtain a quote for this gas fireplace installation process at no cost to you by contacting a local chimney expert today.
Different Aesthetic Than Wood-Burning Fires
Many people enjoy a fireplace in their homes for that comfy, cozy feeling in their houses. The smell of wood burning, the heat radiating from the hearth, and the crackle of the fire all create a soothing, picturesque atmosphere. A gas fireplace will not offer these same aesthetic benefits as a wood-burning one will.
The gas-burning fire features blue flames encased behind a glass panel. This looks very different than the fires in beloved movies, and you cannot enjoy the warmth it produces in the same way either.
However, the gas fireplace offers a safer, cleaner, and more convenient overall experience than the wood-burning one does. You do not have to worry about creosote build-up or ash that needs cleaning.
Professional Maintenance Recommended
Your traditional, wood-burning fireplace will need routine cleaning and sweeping. And you can do some of this yourself by clearing away ash from the hearth and wiping away build-up around the fireplace.
A gas fireplace will also need regular maintenance, but you will need to hire a professional to access and care for it properly. A chimney expert will need to perform appropriate maintenance more often than the wood-burning one would need. But this care is easy to plan for, schedule, and carry out when you know about it in advance. Learn more by calling your local chimney sweep today.